Inspired by my friend
TammyThe top 10 best things about 2008:
10. Hearing Sam sing "Jingle Bells" ("Dingle Bewws") at Christmas - sorry, I just can't get over how cute he is!
9. Gathering with family for a reunion in North Carolina, where I got to savor both the mountains and the beach - and Alex's walking sideways saying "I'm being a crab!"
8. Spending so many luxurious Sunday afternoons lost in a good book
7. Having a job I love, one that gives me a chance to give back (to veterans), to grow personally and professionally, and hey, Federal holidays are nice too!
6. Discovering a new church here and making new friends; the promise of a new community
5. Finally thinking of a way to keep Sam in his room - whoever invented duct tape, I bow to you!
4. Camping with the family Labor Day weekend, seeing fox and deer, toasting marshmallows over a fire, thinking about what I would write for a "This I Believe" essay if I had time to write it. (I believe, among other things, that family is more than biology.)
3. Friday night game nights are back! Hooray for neighborhood girls who babysit!!!
2. Precious, treasured time with Buzz, Cameo and my adorable Sparkly and Sunny nieces - it CAN'T be coming to an end, can it? Oh, Please stay in Utah!!!
1. Celebrating seventeen years (can it be?) of marriage to an adorable, sweet and funny soul mate. We are ever growing in our understanding of ourselves and each other. I am so happy he can put up with all my neuroticisms.
Top Ten Things I Hope to Do in 2009:
10. Continue losing myself in books every Sunday afternoon.
9. Party like it's 2009 at Squaw Valley July 4th - family reunion and my parents' 50th anniversary.
8. Keep exercising regularly - for me, for my kids, for sanity, and it's supposed to fend off dementia too. I better start now.
7. Maintain and deepen my friendships. Girlfriends are SO necessary.
6. Get Sam out of diapers! Please please please...
5. Celebrate my 40th birthday - and I've got some great ideas up my sleeve!
4. Eat well, following the sage advice of Michael Pollan: Eat Food. Not Too Much. Mainly Plants.
3. Play more music.
2. Get both kids in preschool at the same time on the same days? It is remotely possible. Is there anything more important, really?
1. Be ever mindful of how blessed I am.
Cheers to you all and best wishes for a truly happy 2009.