I was surfing the net and came across this Community Food Co-op of Utah.
I've been griping about grocery stores and their prices (and shameless marketing ploys) for a while, so this looks pretty cool. People are banding together to outwit the grocery stores and buy directly from wholesalers. Volunteers collect the food, bag it, and distribute it. You sign up for a measly one-time $5, and order from a list of options once a month. Then you pick up your food once a month at your local distribution center. The only requirement is that you do 2 hours of community service (anything you do for free, like volunteering for your church, counts).
We're going to try it. If we don't like the food we don't have to keep doing it, but it looks like some good stuff...lean sirloin beef tips, chicken stir-fry tenderloins, fresh fruits and veggies, whole wheat bread, and more. You can get Chicken Cordon Bleu - eight 6 oz breaded chicken breasts stuffed with ham and swiss - for $10.50. And I'm happy to see they have Fair Trade coffee and locally bottled jam.
Beware evil grocery store conspiracy, we are on to you now!
1 comment:
Ah ha! Thos evil grocery stores will be stopped! We have a food co-op here too, but I haven't been able to figure out how it works...now I know! I'll have to look into it.
RYC: I didn't realize malaria was such a huge problem...well may I did at the back of my mind. My Dad recently returned from India with about 25 mosquito bites. This was the only trip he wasn;t given the anti-malaria meds. So he's being watched, but his bloodwork came back good. What can we do to help with the malaria issue?
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