Well, it took me about a year and 3 weeks - but my goal was to do it before my 39th birthday on March 8 and I made it! Woo-hoo!
For those of you who don't know, I've been working toward a Presidential fitness award. You log your workout points online and they accumulate toward a bronze (20,000 points), silver (40,000) or gold medal (80,000). I liked having the extra motivation to work out. Now that I'm done, though, I might need something else to motivate me to stick with it, especially through the rest of the winter.
Anyway - yahoo!
Unrelated subject: I really LOVE having a DVR. Buzz says it revolutionizes your TV watching and he is right. I am having fun watching shows I have heard about but never seen, like What Not to Wear. I recognize myself way too much in that one. A friend told me a couple years ago she wanted to nominate me for it, but I doubt I would ever do it. The whole new wardrobe would be nice though.
Congrats on your GOLD medal!!! That is awesome!!!
I don't think you should be on "What Not to Wear". You always look good to me. Of course, maybe I need to be on it, and therefore I am not the right person to be commenting :)! I think fashion is somewhat silly anyway. It's fun, but who wants to spend that much $$$ on clothes? You are too smart and practical to waste time on it :).
oh, one more thing... you can work towards your platinum award - 400,000 points needed. I think I'm about 28% of the way there. It's going to take me a couple more years to make it, but what an accomplishment that will be!
Woo hoo! Way to go!
I thought the Platinum award was 500,000. I'm not sure I want to keep logging my points for that long. At my rate of almost 80K a year it would take - 5 years? But I do plan on continuing exercising - so what the heck. It will be quite a feat if we both do it!
Sorry. Look please here
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